This musical stage-production, dedicated to the master of horror literature [a=H.P. Lovecraft] (1890-1937), was premiered at Arena Berlin on August 18th 2005.
1 Intro (3:30)
2 The Mountaintops (7:23)
3 Rats (In The Walls) (4:52)
4 The Cult Of Cthulhu (4:25)
5 The Butcher (3:12)
6 The Music Of Erich Zann (11:32)
7 Subconscious Mind (4:09)
8 Charles Dexter Ward (3:21)
9 Do You Know What’s Wrong? (6:46)
10 Hunter Of The Dark (6:12)
11 Mountains Of Madness (3:19)
12 Paranoid (4:30)
13 The Butcher (Revisited) (2:53)